Sunday, May 8, 2011

Just Sketchin' Around Today

Happy Mother's Day to all of the Mom's out there!
I'm spending a leisurely day just stamping away and I had time to catch up on 2 sketch challenges. First up is the Stars&Stamps Sketch#68. This week they gave us a simple sketch, and I think this card took less than 10 minutes to make! A scrap of dp, a punched and embossed heart, a stamp and ink, and this card was done! I'll be using this sketch again and again I'm sure.
On the opposite side of C&S is this card for the SweetStop SSS107 sketch challenge. This sketch was a bit more complicated, but it was fun to make. I used Websters dp along with chocolate chip, baja breeze and old olive. The pink floral border was a gift from Benzi - thanks and hugs my friend :) I used a G studio image along with a SNS sentiment and added glossy accents to the flowers and faux brads.
When I cut & embossed the old olive labels 10 die cut, it looked too plain, so I embossed it with a Sizzix criss-cross diamond pattern ef to coordinate with the diamonds in the DP. Nope, that didn't work at all either. As a last resort, I ran the twice-embossed piece through the Big Kick with the square lattice ef and voila! I managed to save the diecut from the trash can and was finally happy with the results. Oddly enough, there's not a trace of the first 2 embossing attempts that show, so this square lattice ef is an amazing solution to fixing those embossing mistakes!!
I hope you're enjoying your Sunday and spending it with family and friends. Thanks for stopping by and spending a little bit of your day here with me :)



Anonymous said...

Carol, I love both of your cards. The sketch is very simple and nice all at the same time. I love all the colors and doo dads on your second card. Everything came together beautifully. That square lattice is a great ef isn't it? I love that flower border punch you used. I love that you brought in all of the colors that we in your dp.

Velta said...

Happy Mother's Day to you Carol!!! I hope your day has been the best! I am in love with this Sizzix criss cross plate...oh my it really brings out the best of texture on your cards...below also...Thanks for you comments...and for your inspiration!!!

Marlene said...

Beautiful cards, much gorgeous detail! Hope you're enjoying your weekend.

merrymstamper said...

Great cards Carol!!! Love quick and easy cards too, except I complicate them in the end. lol...:-) Happy Mother's Day!

airbornewife said...

these are wonderful. love that embossing folder, I need to get one of them. thanks for sharing ~ Pam

JD/ Jill said...

Happy Mother's day, Carol, I had a nice morning daughter took me to breakfast (early) So now I am just enjoying the day making cards. Your cards are great, and you are the one that got me hooked on the lattice folder, I use that one a lot too. Worth every penny I paid for it. So you are NOT in trouble for enabling me

Diane Jaquay said...

Pretty cards Carol, I especially LOVE the first one! Hope you had a lovely Mother's Day :)

Sue from Oregon said...

Happy Mother's Day Carol!!! My emails to you about AI bounced back darn it! This should be a crazy week!
Great creations...hope you have had a great day!

Mary Anne / MA54K said...

Okay, my friend, this is my catch up comment for the last 3 posts I missed. Yikes, was I MIA that long? They are all amazing! Perfect sketches and perfect color combos. Throw in amazing coloring and you have some real winners.

Julie said...

Adorable cards, Carol! I love the embossed heart on your sketch card. Thanks for joining us in this week's OWH Stars & Stamps Sketch Challenge!

Shauna said...

Both of these cards are fantastic! I love anything black, white and red and the detail on your second card is AMAZING! Great job!!

Unknown said...

Love the embossed heart!

Jen M said...

Gorgeous cards!

Wendy Ramlakhan said...

Great cards. Thanks for joining us at The Sweet Stop this week.


Benzi said...

Carol, I am so glad you could use the border I sent. Gosh, I can't believe those first two embossings are not showing. Whew! You were lucky and it turned out so pretty. Hope you had a good Mother's Day.

Benzi said...

Oops, I didn't notice the heart card was posted with the other. I love it and the heart has sooo much texture. Less than 10 minutes? I don't think I've ever accomplished that. But, I'll keep trying. Ha

Denise Marzec said...

Both cards are sweet!

Wendy said...

Like both of your cards. Like you, I think this week's S&S sketch is great for a quick card.

Joanne (jojot) said...

wow...both are are such a busy stamper...I am always inspired when I catch up with your creations