Friday, June 7, 2024

A Recycled Card

I saved this stamped/colored image from a card someone sent me some time ago and decided it was time to repurpose it into another card for someone else. I backed it with an inked 3D embossed panel that didn't turn out well,  but I hung onto it figuring I'd use it some day. Since most of it is covered up, it works perfectly for this card. I love this old stove that reminds me of yesteryear when folks cooked on these home-warming stoves. To finish the card, I added a tiny charm that says "Made with Love" because when our ancestors cooked on these stoves, everything was made with love.

 I attached the charm with a mini white brad.

I'm going to share this with the the Double D Challenge which is

Pick 3 of Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue

Old is the charm - I've had it for years

Borrowed is the stamped image from a received card

Blue is the embossed panel behind the image.

Since June is the typical month for weddings, that's what the photo inspiration is all about but I went in a completely different direction LOL

I'm still having blogging issues. While writing this post, some lines double spaced and I'm unable to correct that; while some lines have no spaces at all?? 😒 Some bloggers have mentioned they cannot resize their photos. For me that hasn't been an issue, but linking to the challenge blog is still a frustrating issue that doesn't work the way it used to. I suppose I'll just have to get used to doing things a different way now. but it was much easier before.

OK, I'm off my soapbox now and stepping down to thank you for stopping by and to wish you a fantastic Friday! Make it a great weekend while you're at it!



Maria said...

A fab recycled card! Love the old stove image with sweet charm! My grandma had an old cook stove, which brings back memories. She always had the best soft sugar cookies! Sorry to hear about the blogging issues. I hope it improves soon! Have a great weekend!!

Faith A at Daffodil Cards said...

What a marvellous image, and I love how you came to use it, the embossing works so well with it. A beautiful card. As for lines, if you look at the top line on the edit page, you will see "Paragraph", click on that and choose "Normal", there are other heading in it too. Hope it helps. x

*Vicki* said...

I adore the Vintage look of this card with that wonderful image! I love the soft blues that remind me of yesteryear as well! The finishing touch with the charm make a great statement and so very true! Glad you were able to recycle your lovely card gift!

Sorry you're having problems with your blog! Sometimes things get changed up out of our control by the "hosts" behind the scenes and it can be very frustrating! Hope it gets better for you soon! Have a happy weekend my friend!

crafty-stamper said...

Beautiful card and great recycling of the fabulous Vintage stove-love it.Hope the blogging issues get sorted soon.
Carol x

Aquarius said...

That is certainly an image well worth saving and making into another card - love that old cooker. Mind you I'm not sure I'd want to use it for actual cooking. Sorry to hear you're still having problems with writing posts in Blogger - hopefully it will settle down in due course and go back to normal.

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Oh, I remember a similar stove in the country house of a relative, when I was young! She cooked amazing super tasty lunches on it, inside terracotta pots, and used also the oven. I seem to still feel the delicious flavours that were released from that stove, the smell of food but also the wood that burns and the mocha coffee maker! Wonderful memories :) I would love having one!
You have done very well reusing this image and that embossed background with the blue ink is just perfect to match! And the cute heart charm is just the ice on the cake!! Love, love, love this card so much!
I haven't problems with linking neither with resize photos or double spaced lines, but often Blogger ate my comments. I click "publish" and my comment vanishes. So I have to remember to copy my comment before clicking so in the case I can simply paste in a new comment without writing all again!
Hope that all these bugs will be solved quickly!
Have a great weekend you too dear Carol! Sending hugs and love as always!

Christine Alexander said...

wonderful upcycling, such a pretty image of the old stove :)

brenda said...

So many are reporting blogger issues, I've not had the resizing or linking issues lots report but have had the spacing one for some time and found a work round but not for the feint hearted. Go into the html and you'll see lots of 'p' symbols, it just seems to populate them throughout. Delete them, back to compost view and justify, then remove any html that will be showing in the post. An absolute faff,

Happy crafting and have a food weekend.

B x

Valerie-Jael said...

Love how you recycled the card!My great aunt cooked on a stove like that, and yes, it was all made with love!
Sorry you are having problems with Blogger. Happy weekend, hugs!

Wendy said...

OMGoodness! This is just the sweetest card, Carol! Love, love, love that old stove! My friend Pam who had the llama farm use to have one of these in her old farmhouse. She adored that thing! It truly brings back lots of fond memories! The little heart charm is the perfect addition to this sweet card! Well done, my friend and thanks for bringing back some good memories of days gone by...

Darlene said...

What a fabulous creation and love the old charm! Thanks so much for joining in the fun at our Double D challenge! Good Luck and we hope you’ll come back often.

Co-Owner … Can You Handle the Pressure, Double D, Four Seasons, Peace On Earth, Stencil Fun, Simply Clean & Simple, Two Old Bats, Triple B, Word Power

Judy Woodland said...

Such a sweet image, brings back so many memories. Adding the charm is a perfect final touch too. Lots of wonderful work here, and great take on the challenge. Thanks so much for playing along with us over at Double D, I hope we see you back again soon!!
Judy~ DD DT Designer

Brenda in IN said...

I remember stoves like that too. I'm glad you re-used it and shared. Adding the charm is a delightful touch.

Donna said...

Fabulous card, like the soft colors and that charm is perfect.

Diane said...

A fabulous recycle Carol and LOVE the addition of the fun charm! I hope we both can get our computer issues resolved, sooner then later!!

Lisa said...

Love this vintage image and the charm is a great touch for it too.