Friday, June 2, 2023

Thinking of You

I've always loved this butterfly die a friend gifted me with years ago, and I chose the colors of pink and grey to make a card with it. I used a Catherine Pooler stencil and some spun sugar distress ink to create the background, and die-cut the sentiment with an Elizabeth Craft designs die. For the final touch, I added 3 pink pearls to make this butterfly pop.

I'm sharing this with these challenges :

 I want to share this with you before I go. Yesterday my friend and I were on an outing and I stopped for gas. She took the money in to pay for me while I stayed at the pump to fill the tank. I was waiting and waiting for the pump to go back to zero so I could start pumping, and a woman I never saw before came out of the store and ran up to the pump and told me to wait a minute before I started pumping. I immediately went into alert mode, not sure of what she wanted. She removed the gas nozzle from my tank and hung it back up on the pump, and then took a card out of her purse, inserted it into the pump, punched in a few numbers and then put the nozzle back in the tank and set it to automatically fill. I said "Excuse me, what's going on here?" She said " Your gas is paid for, all you need to do is go back in and get your money back." Then the cashier came out and handed me the $20 bill my friend took inside to pay for the gas. I was so dumbfounded I could barely speak. Actually, she set the pump to fill automatically (something I never learned how to do) so I wasn't able to get it turned off until it went over the $20 amount I paid for, but she stood there and said "Don't worry about it, just enjoy your day!" I was absolutely speechless! I thanked her many times over and told her how kind she was, but I was in such a state of shock that I never even asked for her name. In this  different and sometimes cruel world we live in today, there are still angels and kind people among us, and I'm a witness to that! I've bought coffee before for people in line behind me, but a whole tank of gas? That just blew me away! Kindness still exists and I just felt the need to share that with you even though I don't usually post personal things here. I've never felt more blessed than I do now just by being able to share this experience. Even though I didn't ask for her name, I know God saw what she did and I hope he blesses her with her kindness many times over!

Thanks for stopping by and may your day be filled with kindness and joy like the one I experienced yesterday! I will be passing her generosity on in some way to make someone else's day as great as that woman made mine! 


Donna said...

Amazing experience, glad you shared. Fabulous card, great stenciling and like this color combo! Take care.

jimlynn said...

Beautiful card Carol. I love the subtle patterned inked in the background and the gray and pink colors. Gorgeous butterfly!
That's so neat about the lady paying for your gas. Yes, there are still kind people in this world - and one found you yesterday!

Wendy said...

WOW, that just brought tears to my eyes, Carol! At first I thought it was going to be a horror story of such but that would have totally shocked me, too! Yes, there are still wonderful people in this world and it's such a breath of fresh air when it happens to you. You are always such a kind & caring lady and SO deserving of it. Smile and know you are blessed and pass that generosity on to the next person! Love, love, love this card today....such pretty colors and that stenciling looks amazing under your butterfly! TFS and have a wonderful day & weekend! Hugs~

Brenda in IN said...

Pink and gray are beautiful colors together and made a lovely card. The kindness that stranger gave you is just awesome and makes us think about doing something for others. A full gas tank is a wonderful gift and anything passed on to others is a great tribute to her and her generosity.

Valerie-Jael said...

Love the card, the butterfly die is gorgeous! I think it's great to post about good experiences like this. What a wonderful gesture! It does good to hear about such deeds, whwich are often rare in today's world! Have a good and blessed weekend, Carol! Hugs, Valerie

Liz said...

Thanks for sharing your experience filling up your car with gas, Carol. What a wonderful thing for this stranger to do, there are certainly kind and generous people in this world.
Your card is beautiful, the delicate stencilling makes a lovely background. xx

Brenda said...

An angel in disguise for sure Carol! How amazing of this kind woman to do this and I love that she picked you! Not knowing of the loss you have recently suffered, that makes it all the more special! This story warms my heart, brings tears to my eyes and just makes me plain happy! I've always said there are more kind people than bad people, we just never hear much about the kind people. Love, love, love this story!!! And I'm so glad it happened to you!!!

Love your gorgeous card, I love that butterfly each time you use it too. This color combo is just gorgeous as well. The soft pink and gray together is just beautiful. Love that stenciling too. Hugs, Brenda

Karen Letchworth said...

Hi Carol:
Your beautiful butterfly card is perfect for our Summer challenge at The Four Seasons and we're go grateful to have you play along with us. Have a blessed week and please join us again soon.

I also enjoyed your story about the gasoline. I guess the moral of the story is to always have an eye open for a way you can "pay it forward" to someone else. God is SO good to us, and we can certainly be a blessing to others. Thanks for sharing your story.

Karen L, DT

Sarn said...

Thank you for sharing the wonderful act of kindness you experienced. Makes my heart happy to read it.

Your butterfly card is so pretty.

Hugs, Sarn xxx

Lisa said...

Gorgeous butterfly and CAS perfection on this wonderful card.

Faith A at Daffodil Cards said...

OH! My goodness Carol, what a wonderfully kind gesture from that lady. I think I would have been in shock for days after it. I'm glad you shared the story, it just goes to show, there are some lovely and kind people out there. Your card is beautiful, love the butterfly with the delicate stencilling.
Faith x

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Oh Carol! Your card is gorgeous in pink and gray so elegant and feminine, and I love the butterfly and the delicate stencil, but the thing I absolutely love more is what you wrote after!!!! I am so happy for what happened to you!!! And thanks so much for sharing what happened to you, it means a lot to me! Your story gives me confidence and optimism. As you see, even just by sharing what happened to you, you are giving something so precious to others. You’re giving it to me! 😊💖 And reading the previous comments, I think you are giving it to the others too! 😉
Everything we give with love returns to us, this is one of the Laws of the Universe! 😊 You have always gifted a lot of persons with little surprises because of your good heart and kindness, and you continued to do this despite your great suffering. You have always shown kindness and love to the others, so now you have had back a surprise gift. That's all!! 😉 Isn't it marvellous? 😇
Even if we go through dark times when we see only bad things, madness, inhumanity and wickedness, we must never lose sight of our dream: a world full of love, kindness, understanding and justice.
If we can think and feel it in our soul, then it exists! The more we can think positively and with awareness and the more we give it strength, the more we will see love around us. If we are tenacious and continue to have love and gratitude despite the difficulties and suffering, than we receive signs that the path is the right one and that we must persevere. 😊
I am so happy for what happened to you and that you are giving this to all of us with your sharing!! THANKS SO MUCH!💖
Thousands of these wonderful days, dearest! God bless you! 💖💖😊😇

Diane said...

Carol your card is gorgeous and I LOVE the subtle stenciling behind the pretty butterfly and of course love the pinks and grays together!! Wow, what a nice thing for that lady to do, we certainly need more kindness in this world, that was awesome!!
Thank you for joining our challenge at The Four Seasons!
Diane FS Co-Owner
{Nellies Nest}
{Four Seasons}
{Triple B}
{Simply Clean & Simple} Coming July 7th

Hena Tayeb said...

Very pretty.

Veronica Lee said...

Such a kind gesture from a total stranger and so happy to hear there are good people out there.

Beautiful card as always, Carol.

Hugs and blessings

Maria said...

Your card is so beautiful with the sweet pink butterfly! Love the stencil background and wonderful sentiment, too! How sweet of the lady to pay for your gas! I'm sure it made your day and your heart so happy to receive such kindness from a stranger! I looked at your Father's Day card with the ticket, so fun! And, your Christmas card is beautiful! Love the sweet deer, snowy background and trees!

Irish Cherokee said...

Love the butterfly card. The perfect symbol of the day you had. There are indeed such angels in this world. Every now and again one shows us that they are here among us. You certainly deserve to be visited by one.

Love, blessings and Hugs

aussie aNNie said...

This is absolutey stunning. Love that gorgeous design and especially the colours here ♥

JD/ Jill said...

Pretty card! When Jim read your story here...He right away came to tell me about it. I was so happy for you. And I told Jim it couldn't have happened to a nicer person.