Saturday, April 1, 2017

Happy April Fool's Day!

I love to play along with Darnell's challenges because it's always fun and inspirational to see what everyone creates. For her 2nd annual April Fool's Day challenge, she's asking us to share our boo-boos just for fun. There are no prizes, this is just a fun challenge where you can share your card boo-boos, some NBUS, or both. Just click the banner above or one of the two links in this paragraph, and it will take you to her NBUS #11 Challenge.

Today I have a card that went wrong from the very beginning.

I started by stamping this Tim Holtz crazy dog with Versafine Black ink, and then wanted to seal the ink with clear embossing powder so I could color it with Copics. You see, Versafine Onyx Black and Copic inks don't play nice together, so the ink has to be sealed. I grabbed the embossing powder and covered the image with it, but when I hit it with a heat gun, it turned white around the edges! I grabbed white embossing powder instead of clear! What?!#&!  DUH!!
It looked ridiculous with white edges, almost like a 4-legged see-through ghost! LOL I should have tossed it and started over at that point but I heard this voice from within telling me "you can fix this."  
{How does one silence that voice from within I wonder? LOL)
I outlined the edges with the darkest brown Copic I own and then colored it in, but I still didn't like the way it looked. I fussy cut it anyway, wasting even more time on a useless project. My next brilliant idea was to cut and color a birthday hat to add some bright fun colors to dress up my dull dachshund. That should help, right?  WRONG!!! 
I pulled out a snippet of pastel blue cardstock to match this little fella's collar. When I stamped the hat image (from the Tim Holtz crazies accessory stamp set) I realized I'd pulled out a piece of textured cardstock. If you click the photo to enlarge it, you can see the ridiculous coloring on this hat as the texture just wouldn't allow any color to absorb. It would have been the perfect hat to match the original dog before I colored it darker! I fussy cut the hat and popped it onto his head anyway. I should have given up entirely at this point, but I pushed on, adding the dog to a pretty piece of dsp and a kraft card base. I stood back, took a good look and thought to myself, now I've even stuck the dog down at a ridiculous angle and he looks as if something frightened him into leaning back on his hind end! Anything that could go wrong with this card DID! I decided to quit at this point and start over......

Here's the 2nd attempt which looks a wee bit better! At least the dog is dark enough to look like a dog and his hat is brightly colored. I used a new sentiment my friend Mary Anne shared with me and cut it into 3 pieces and matted with colorful snippets of red, blue and black. I used my retired SU! tab punch to make the brackets from lime green card, and added some puffy shiny stickers to add to the festivities of a birthday celebration. The dsp for both cards was from a pack of self-adhesive papers I bought from QVC when I first began making cards.

I think we all have days like this, but normally I scrap my boo-boos if they can't be fixed. I saved the first card as soon as I found out about Darnell's April Fools challenge so I could play along. I hope you'll dig deep into your schtuff and bring your boo-boos to the table so we can all have a good chuckle along with you. From now on, I'll be saving all of mine for next year's April Fool's day!

Thanks for stopping by and make it a good one! 
Beware of the pranksters - they're lurking and just waiting for you :) 
Happy April 1st!!



  1. Wow... that was a whole lot of fixin! The final product was worth the wait! Love how you help me use my neglected stamps. Nice job, and I am sure Darnell will love it!

  2. LOL Like you Carol, I look forward to this challenge, it's such fun! Your little dog in the first picture, does look kinda freaked out about something! LOVED reading about it, like you again . . . I don't know when to quit either!! Have a great weekend! TFS! Luv n’ Hugs. Hazel xx
    My Card Attic

  3. That is just too funny, I'm not sure how to silence the inner voice that keeps pushing to fix something that was DOA.

  4. Well done on finally getting together a great card - I fear I'd have abandoned the whole project and made something completely different

  5. Oh, I always hear the voice that says "you can fix it"!!!
    ...But mine speaks italian LOL :D and says as "Puoi usarlo lo stesso!" (You can use it anyway!) I liked reading all the story of your battle with that fun doggie :)and yes, the second card looks better :D and just LOVE that funny sentiment!!
    Have a great weekend!

  6. Are you sure we're not related! LOL! This is the type of thing I seem to do all the time. The finished card was worth all the trouble though and it's so cute. Just love those crazy dogs.

  7. No matter how much we try, sometimes it is just better to give up and throw the mess away. Love you redo/ The dog is so cute and LOVE that sentiment. I'll probably use that someway. Have to make fun of our birthdays--especially at my age.

  8. I maybe odd, but I REALLY like your boohoo, of course I know nuffin about stampin so you could tell me anything and I would believe you LOL. LOVE your second card too.

  9. Giggling here! That was a fun read, Carol! Bless you for carrying on! Your first doggie looks like he did potty in the same place the frog on my tag did, lol!! Actually that dog is so karazy looking you could do anything to him, place him anywhere, and no one would think you didn't mean to do that! But I am curious, on that second card, did the dog ears come as part of the hat or were those sold separately!! Stop it! I do love that awesome sediment! I've recyled my 29 about 29 times!! Love ya! Darnell

  10. You ended up with a super card Carol, it sounds like quite a process - I think I would have given up and made something completely different.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  11. Giggling all through your post, Carol. Don't you just hate it when one thing goes wrong after you say, that little voice is always there telling you that you can fix it. Glad you posted your second attempt too - lovely card with a great sentiment. xx

  12. Well, I think you persevered and accomplished getting a wonderful card anyway. I like both versions. But we sometimes take a lot of time trying to salvage something.

  13. awww for a wrong card it sure looks right to me..x ♥[aNNie]

  14. Yes, as a crafter we've all done things like this but that's how we learn to not do them again! LOL I really did like your ghost dog card but the 2nd card was so much brighter! So glad you moved forward and created the 2nd was so worth it! Thanks for the chuckle and Happy April Fool's Day to you! Hugs~

  15. LOL this was a fun post to read Carol!! I have images in my box I should just throw out but I like to think maybe I'll be able to fix them to use someday?!? Your end card was worth it, love that sentiment too!

  16. Kudos to you on your efforts~the recipient will never know the time put in again and again! I am always trying to "make it work"...I don't think that voice ever gets silenced. :) Such a great image and coloring in both (whether on texture paper or not).

  17. What a fun post, and I always share my boo-boo-s. (probably should not!) Just FYI, it encourages me when I see the experts making mistakes, (not being mean here!) and I make so many, I try to keep in mind, so does everyone else. (one of my CCC's has some stuff, that the camera caught but my eyes didn' maybe I'll go link in!) Both your dogs are cute, and I just bet nobody except your own self, will see what you think are mistakes. They will love that you thought of them to make a cute poochie card! Love the sentiment too! Hugs & TFS

  18. Well I'm with Momma Mary Carol and it makes me feel better when I see you experts making boo boo's too! Yes this card gave you a fit didn't it?! But you tried to fix it, but some just can't be saved no matter how hard we push on. Your second card is much better and I think it is so stinkin' cute! Hugs, Brenda

  19. Too funny! Wee all have had our share of erros. Some we can fix or at least hide and some we can not!

  20. I did LOL as I read through your post. I think we've all been there when we won't be beaten. Anyhow I like your alarmed dog and your second card looks great. A very funny post. Happy Crafting. Hugs, Barbxx

  21. It's really quite something how many things can go wrong and we keep persevering! Both cards are cute though!!

  22. Oh I had a good chuckle at this - there are just some days that it just goes wrong. But you did a fabulous job with the second dog and card. Thanks for sharing!

  23. I forgot to save my boos boos...(sure have enough of them!) You have a lot more patience than I do! My card would have just gone in the trash if I didn't like it. But it is all a learning process isn't it? (And I sure have had a lot to learn fixing boos boos!) Your cards are always amazing, and I sure like the way the second one turned out...(and A+ for effort on the first!)

  24. I think the 29 Again? sentiment would have worked well for the first card too since the dog looks so startled? Sort of like saying, "Who ya fooling with that 29 thing?!"

    And yes, we've all been there and we've all had projects that we just can't stop making worse (in the name of making them better).

  25. Ha ha ha . . .both adorable. xxx

  26. LOL! I've come very close to using white embossing powder instead of white! You sure gave your best to try to recover!! At least you ended up with a really cute card!


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