Wednesday, January 15, 2014

I'm Sorry...

I put a note on my blog a few days ago about Google plus, and how difficult it is to find people who use that to leave comments for me since I don't use that application. I use blogger and follow with blogger.

I've had many comments left for me recently from Google Plus users, and now when I'm able to find their publicly shared blogs, I'm no longer able to leave a comment unless I sign myself up to become a Google plus user - and I have no intention of doing that. I used to be able to leave comments, but now a box comes up giving me the option to sign up or sign in, so I can't even leave comments for you now.

I've always tried to return the favor of a comment left on my blog, but I hope this post explains why I'll no longer be able to do that. I do appreciate everyone who stops by and takes the time to comment, but I'm just not a fan of Google plus and now I can no longer communicate with anyone who uses it. If you do have a blog and you want to leave your blog address in your comment, I'll be able to find you and come visit your blog in return.

Thanks for your understanding............I hate having these issues but they're here and I have to deal with them unfortunately.



  1. I have to tell you how much I also dislike Google+. I only wish I could cancel my "membership", but I can't. I just ignore it.

  2. I feel the same. More and more now, I am unable to leave a return comment.

    Sad, cuz I like to visit everyone who drops by my blog. I also like to drop by all the linkups at certain challenges I join.

  3. Oh, I'm having that same issue. I'm so sad that these wonderful people come by and leave comments and I can't reciprocate.

  4. I have to say that I hope I'm not one of these people. I get random Google + emails from time to time that are odd... they mention someone's blog in the header and the inside email has another blog entirely. It makes me wonder if I'm a Google + user and don't know it. I thought it was related to Blogger, but now maybe now... oh my. I still have a cassette player in my truck, I'm sort of not that up on technology.

  5. I, too, just commented on this, Carol, and have in the past. Twice I found that mentioning it did some good. Two of my followers had NO idea about the whole comment limitation and both were able to successfully (but with a great deal of effort) extricate themselves from the evil G+. Mentioning it on our various blogs is all we can do!

    Hey, did you see you were the winner of Ms. Mary H's blog candy? Scoot over there!! Congratulations!! Hugs, Darnell

  6. I didn't even know there was an issue - am I behind or what? Is that why when I click on some people it doesn't take me to their blog and I have to go find them somewhere else? Wow - I learned something today. Thanks for the information. TFS!


Please don't be concerned when word verification appears. You don't need to type in the numbers. Just type your comment, then hit "publish" and you'll bypass the word verification.
Thanks for taking time to leave comments, they're always appreciated :)