Monday, March 18, 2013

It's Monday......again :)

It's Monday again, and I'm playing catch-up with 2 challenges. I tried to follow this week's OWH Stars and Stamps sketch #164, but clearly I took liberties and went in a different direction once again :)

I also used the colors from this week's Dynamic Duos #44 color challenge of So Saffron and Black, with a dessert option of using ribbon. 

This is the card I came up with and I'm happy with how it turned out even if I did stray far from the sketch. I used a retired SU! stamp called "stitched" to create the background and petals on the flower. I was going to weave the ribbon into the ends of the main panel in keeping with the sketch, but decided against it since I used 3 layered ribbons instead of just one. Rather than botch up the whole card, I decided to leave well enough alone. I guess I'll be ready when the challenge police come a'knockin' :)
The punches used for this were all from SU! (Blossom, boho flowers, modern label). The sentiment is from SNSS, saffron ribbon from SU!, black ribbon from Pizzazz Aplenty, and the brad from my stash.

That's it for now, but thanks for stopping by and have yourself another great Monday! Spring is just a few short days away, so try to ignore the snow and ice that's about to fall in PA and New England! (you didn't really believe all that groundhog nonsense did you?!?)



Benzi said...

Very pretty, Carol. Love the 'stitiched' bg. The color combo is awesome.
Ice and snow? Yikes! We're having stormy weather today and it's bringing much cooler temps than we had over the weekend.
Knock, knock....who's there? It's those dreaded challenge police. LOL I just had to say that. Ha

Linda said...

Great card...way to make the sketch work for you!!!

Heather Cooper said...

Cool card! This really stood out in the gallery!

Sybrina K said...

Hi Carol,

I totally agree with Heather. This so caught my eye.

Love the colors and the layering of the ribbons.

As a fellow sketch non-conformist, I smiled at your challenge police comment.

Donna Nuce said...

Gorgeous card! You strayed the right way from the sketch! It is really elegant!

Heather said...

This is just stunning Carol!!!
What a wonderful colour scheme (definitely my colours) and your stamping is fantastic - the flowers is just perfect!!!

Heather xx

jimlynn said...

You can keep straying all you want from the sketch as it's beautiful!!! Love the focal point being that beautiful flower.

Karen Day said...

Great card, Carol! I love that you have a strong center focal point - glad to have you join us at Dynamic Duos this week :o)

Mary Anne / MA54K said...

Another fantastic sketch card, Carol! Amazing how you get a color challenge in there, also.

JD/ Jill said...

Really pretty, Carol, I like that DP lovely on your did a great job with both challenges...

Anonymous said...

You always amaze me with the way your mind works. I would have never thought to make a flower from the Modern Label punch. I love that Stitched set and I think your card looks beautiful just as it. I'm glad you did not decide to weave it. We are getting the rain/snow starting sometime after midnight tonight. Stay safe.

Shannon White said...

OMGoodness this is Soo PRetty and Elegant Miss Carol!! LOVE the cream and black together! And super sketch too! I am definitely tucking this one away! Just Fabulous! 8-)


Diane said...

Your card caught my eye from the gallery! I LOVE THE FLOWER ... the layering is outstanding and the ribbon is great too! I love the whole thing :)

Sarah said...

Great card-- love these colors together and I love how you used the label punch to create the flower-- brilliant idea!

Vicki Burdick said...

Very cool, love that sketch and how you used the colors!! Thanks so much for joining us this week at Dynamic Duos.