Saturday, February 1, 2014

OWH 2014 Card Bowl

Happy Super Bowl Weekend Football fans! 
My card today is for the OWH 3-day Card Bowl 2014 to celebrate Super Bowl weekend by making cards for our heroes. 
Day one's challenge is to make a masculine themed card using something to represent your favorite team. You can use their colors, their mascot, anything that links your card to your team. 
Obviously I'm rooting for the Denver Broncos, as I've used their team colors to make my card. I did some embossing with a Hero Arts Sizzix chevron folder, added punched stars, mini brads, and a Hero Arts sentiment. I found a small piece of twine that matched so I used up the last of that. 
I have one word to sum it all up......


Thanks for stopping by and make it a great weekend whether you like football or not! I normally don't watch it, but it's hard not to get excited when the Super Bowl comes around!



Unknown said...

Really great card! Love the strong contrast in colors and in elements, nice graphic feel. And as a Colorado native, I love your team choice! Go Broncos!

Anonymous said...

OMAHA indeed! These colors are so nice, bright and cheery besides being the colors on the winning team. (Lets hope) Great guy card for sure. Go Broncos

Benzi said...

Cool card, Carol!!! Of course, I am a college football fan...don't much get into pro football. But, I do like Peyton Manning.

Donna Nuce said...

Great card.

Irish Cherokee said...

The theme is what Jill used to say to me during super bowl weekend, or was it "yay, peace and quiet." Oh well, Nice card.

Mary Anne / MA54K said...

Fantastic colors and I love they way you laid it out! Have a fun time, tomorrow!

JD/ Jill said...

Nicely done, Carol, Those colors really do make this card pop! Hope you have a great weekend!

Mrs A. said...

I love the vibrant look on your Super Bowl card. Hugs Mrs A.

jimlynn said...

I mainly watch the Super Bowl for the commercials - but will be rooting for Denver too!
Love your card. The embossing and design are great!

Sandy said...

OOh, love the card! I really love that embossing folder ALOT! Have to look for that one! Great masculine card!

Susan (rainy) said...

Won't hold those colors against you, Carol!!! LOL It's a great card. Hope both teams play their best and that no one gets injured.

GO HAWKS!!! heheh

BobbisTreasure said...

All of your different elements work together so well - great job!!

Princess Judy Palmer said...

This is a fun card design and you could swap out the colors for all sorts of teams and occasions!